Asian and Asian-American Biblical Interpretation: Evangelical Voices
Sponsors: Bo Lim and Milton Eng
Fri Nov 22
3:30 - 5:30 PM
Indigo 204A (Second Level) - Hilton Bayfront
This year our research group will focus on biblical interpretation from non-East Asian cultural contexts focusing in particular on South and Southeast Asia. The program will consist of invited papers which will expound a biblical text from such social locations speaking to their locations and the wider world. Presentations will include some reflection on methodology and those characteristics which distinguish South and Southeast Asian biblical interpretation. Two respondents, one East Asian, as well as discussion from the floor will be included. Questions can be directed to Milton Eng ([email protected]) or Max Lee ([email protected]).
Max Lee, North Park Theological Seminary, Presiding (5 min)
Boaz Johnson, North Park University
Reading the Creation of Humankind in Gen. 1 and 2 in the Context of South Asian Aboriginal, Slave, and Outcaste Creation Poems (20 min)
Philip P. Chia, Australian College of Theology, CTCA, Respondent (5 min)
David A. deSilva, Ashland Theological Seminary
Reading Hebrews in a Sri Lankan Context (20 min)
Joyce del Rosario, Seattle Pacific University, Respondent (5 min)
Break (5 min)
Chakrita M. Saulina, University of Cambridge
Empowering Place and Expanding Eden: An Indonesian Batak Reading of the Theology of the Land in the Book of Acts (20 min)
Philip P. Chia, Australian College of Theology, CTCA, Respondent (5 min)
Ekaputra Tupamahu, Portland Seminary
Reading Romans 8:15 in an Interreligious Context of Indonesia (20 min)
Joyce del Rosario, Seattle Pacific University, Respondent (5 min)
Discussion (10 min)
3:30 to 5:30 pm
Conference Room 7
This year our research group will be focusing on the theme of “Family, Kinship and Community” as Asian American biblical interpreters. We are pleased to have two invited papers, one each emerging from the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and New Testament. We also have two papers accepted from our open Call for Papers this year. These four papers will be available on the IBR website after October 25th under the Research Groups tab at (IBR Member login required). Attendees are encouraged to read the papers in advance though drop-ins are welcome. Non-IBR members are welcome to attend. For further information, please contact Milton Eng ([email protected]) or Max Lee ([email protected]). More information can also be found on the IBR Research Groups website (
Bo Lim, Seattle Pacific University, Presiding (5 min)
Michelle Lee-Barnewall, Biola University
Belonging and Racial Reconciliation in the Family (Community) of God (20 min)
Elizabeth Sung, Regent College, Respondent (5 min)
Daniel Lee, Fuller Theological Seminary
The First and Fifth Commandments: Confucian Family-Centricity in Asian American Hermeneutics (20 min)
Dan Wu, Moore Theological College, Respondent (5 min
Break (5 min)
Esther Cen, Seattle Pacific University
Youthful Leadership and the Household Metaphor in 1 Timothy (20 min)
Elizabeth Sung, Regent College, Respondent (5 min)
Xenia Ling-Yee Chan, Toronto School of Theology
"Does an Asian American Narrative Always Have to Return to the Mother?'": Another Look at Ruth and Naomi's Relationship through Cathy Park Hong's 'An Education' in Minor Feelings"(20 min)
Dan Wu, Moore Theological College, Respondent (5 min)
Discussion (10 min)Lee-Barnewall.Michelle.Belonging.Racial.Reconciliation.IBR
Asian-American Biblical Interpretation: Evangelical Voices
3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Plaza Court 4 (Plaza Tower - Concourse Level) - Sheraton Downtown (SD)
Theme: Asian American Theology and Evangelicalism Our session will consist of a panel discussion of invited speakers and respondents from the areas of biblical studies, theology, and practical theology to address the tensions and opportunities that Asian American scholars face in evangelical contexts. They will address the tensions and opportunities they experience within their academic disciplines, social-cultural communities, ecclesial contexts, and vocational journeys and share their perspective on the possibilities and pitfalls facing Asian American evangelical theologians. Non-IBR members are welcome to attend. For further information, please contact Milton Eng ([email protected]) or Max Lee ([email protected]). It is also hoped that our research group will provide opportunities for mentoring younger and early career evangelical Asian American biblical scholars.
Milton Eng, Third Space Asian America, Presiding (3 min)
Max Lee, North Park Theological Seminary, Presiding (2 min)
May Young, Taylor University
Asian American Theology and Evangelicalism: Old Testament (10 min)
Jordan Ryan, Wheaton College
Asian American Theology and Evangelicalism: New Testament (10 min)
Gregory Lee, Wheaton College
Asian American Theology and Evangelicalism: Systematic Theology (10 min)
Kirsten Oh, Azusa Pacific University
Asian American Theology and Evangelicalism: Practical Theology (10 min)
Soong-Chan Rah, Fuller Theological Seminary, Respondent (15 min)
Break (10 min)
Discussion (50 min)
3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Room: Salon C - Marriott Rivercenter
Our session for 2021 features a panel review of three important books recently authored in the past two years by Asian American biblical scholars who teach in evangelical schools. They include: Te-Li Lau’s Defending Shame: Its Formative Power in Paul’s Letters, Janette Ok’s Constructing Ethnic Identity in 1 Peter: Who You Are No Longer, and Chloe Sun’s Conspicuous in His Absence: Studies in the Song of Songs and Esther with a new epilogue on the relevance of her work for AABI. The reviewers will present first for 20 minutes followed by an author response for 10 minutes. There will be a panel discussion with Q&A afterwards.
The session theme is “Asian American Evangelical Interpretation: For the Church and the Academy From the Ground Up.” The questions we seek to engage with are: first, what might evangelical, Asian and American biblical interpretation look like; second, how do these examples speak to the evangelical church as a whole and the Asian American church in particular; third, how do these present works contribute towards an overall interpretive methodology?
The reviewers’ papers will be available on the IBR website after October 25th under the Research Groups tab at (IBR Member login required). Attendees are encouraged to read the papers in advance though drop-ins are welcome. Non-IBR members are welcome to attend. For further information, please contact Milton Eng ([email protected]) or Max Lee ([email protected]).
It is also hoped that our research group will provide opportunities for mentoring younger and early career evangelical Asian American biblical scholars.
Session Schedule
Milton Eng, Third Space Asian America, Presiding (3 min)
Max Lee, North Park Theological Seminary, Presiding (2 min)
Sydney Park, Beeson Divinity School, Review of Defending Shame: Its Formative Power in Paul’s Letters (20 min)
Te-Li Lau, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Author Response (10 min)
Our inaugural year program will consist of invited papers on the theme of "Setting the Table: Asian-American Studies, Evangelicals, and Biblical Interpretation." Papers will be available on this page after Oct. 25 (IBR member login required). Attendees are encouraged to read the papers in advance though drop-ins are welcome. During the session, presenters will summarize their papers in ten minutes allowing for 20 minutes of discussion. Non-IBR members are welcome to attend.
Milton Eng, Third Space Asian American, Presiding (5 min)
Max Lee, Northpark Theological Seminary, Presiding (5 min)
Russell Jeung, San Francisco State University
Asian American Studies and the Development of Asian American Theology (30 min)
Amos Yong, Fuller Seminary
To the Seven Churches in Asia: An Asian (American) Apocalyptic Hermeneutic After Pentecost (30 min)
Jannette Ok, Fuller Seminary
Asian American Biblical Interpretation:Evangelical Engagement and Critique (30 min)
Discussion (20 min)
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