Asian and Asian-American Biblical Interpretation: Evangelical Voices

Now in our sixth year, our research group will focus in Boston on “Asian, Asian American and Diasporic Biblical Interpretation.” What is Asian biblical interpretation, what is Asian American interpretation and is there a difference? Is that difference a matter of degree or kind and who gets to decide? In addition, we will explore a new line of interpretation that of readings from the Asian diaspora, in particular Chloe Sun’s recent commentary on Exodus from Langham Press. Our session will consist of invited speakers, three main paper presentations with one person responding to each and time for discussion from both the panelists and audience. In happenstance with this year’s theme, we have changed our group name to “Asian and Asian American Biblical Interpretation.” Questions can be directed to Milton Eng ([email protected]) or Bo Lim ([email protected]).

  Sponsors: Bo Lim and Milton Eng

2025 Schedule Forthcoming