Bulletin for Biblical Research
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The journal accepts submissions of essays and book reviews that conform to the guidelines of the SBL Handbook of Style.
Miguel Echevarría, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Associate Editors
Mark Gignilliat, Beeson Divinity School
Joshua Jipp, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Editorial Board
Mark Boda, McMaster Divinity College
Aubrey Buster, Wheaton College
Joey Dodson, Denver Seminary
Miguel Echevarría, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Dennis Edwards, North Park Seminary
John Goodrich, Moody Bible Institute
Daniel M. Gurtner, Gateway Seminary
Chip Hardy, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Adam Howell, Boyce College
Dru Johnson, The Kings College
Scott Jones, Covenant College
Michael Kibbe, Great Northern University
Michelle Knight, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Matthew Lynch, Regent College
Catherine McDowell, Palm Beach Atlantic University
Madison Pierce, Western Theological Seminary
William Ross, Reformed Theological Seminary
Matthew Schlimm, The University of Dubuque
Jarvis Williams, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Lissa Wray Beal, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto
Editorial Assistant
Thomas Lyons, Asbury Theological Seminar

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