2025 Schedule Forthcoming
Fri Nov 22
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Indigo H (Second Level) - Hilton Bayfront, Theme: Biblical Violence
The Biblical Violence Research Group focuses on the hermeneutics of biblical violence in both testaments. The 2024 meeting is the second installment in a three-year cycle, with each year focusing on a specific text of biblical violence from diverse hermeneutical approaches. This year, the group will consider Jeremiah 50–51, with particular attention to the varied forms of violence it portrays. For more information, contact Helen Paynter ([email protected]) or Trevor Laurence ([email protected]).
Trevor Laurence, Cateclesia Institute, Presiding (5 min)
Lissa M. Wray Beal, Wycliffe College, Toronto School of Theology
Defeating the Monster: Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon Receive Their Due in Jeremiah 50–51 (25 min)
Jill Firth, Ridley College Melbourne
"As She Has Done, Do to Her" (Jer 50:29): Violence and Gendered Imagery in Jeremiah 50–51 (25 min)
Break (5 min)
Bungishabaku Katho Robert, Shalom University of Bunia
Idolatry, Power, Violence, and Judgment in Jeremiah 50–51 (25 min)
Discussion (35 min)
1:00 to 3:00 pm
Conference Room 9
The Biblical Violence Research Group is for those working on the hermeneutics of biblical violence in both testaments. Biblical violence can be found within every genre of the Bible and is not a homogeneous entity. It is variously condemned, described, implored, threatened, endorsed, or commanded. Biblical violence may be interpersonal, societal, or international. It may be military, sexual, or structural. It can be historical, mythological, and eschatological. There are many unanswered questions that fall within this broad theme, and at times they present enormous pastoral and even missional problems to the church. Further rigorous, confessional scholarship is imperative. For all these reasons, a wide variety of hermeneutical approaches to a wide range of texts is needed. This group’s engagement with biblical books provides a forum for specific, focused conversation and collaboration on the hermeneutics of violence which transcends a focus on any one book or corpus and dialogues across genres and testaments. Our 2023 session begins a new three-year cycle, with each year focusing on a specific text of biblical violence from diverse hermeneutical approaches. For the 2023 session, we examine the flood narrative in Genesis. Please contact Helen Paynter ([email protected]) or Trevor Laurence ([email protected]) for more information.
Helen Paynter, Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence, Welcome (5 min)
Matthew Lynch, Regent College
The Land Keeps the Score: Violence and the Land’s Agency in the Old Testament (25 min)
Seth Pryor, Liberty University
A Violent Image in Genesis 9:6b? A Response to a Disturbing Interpretation (25 min)
Break (5 min)
Trevor Laurence, Cateclesia Institute
The Washing of the World: A Cultic Reading of Genesis 6–9 (25 min)
Discussion (35 min)
Biblical Violence
3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Plaza Court 7 (Plaza Tower - Concourse Level) - Sheraton Downtown (SD)
In the 2022 meeting of our group, we plan to consider hermeneutical approaches to biblical violence which identify and consider intertextual connections within the (OT and/or NT) canon. For more information, please contact Helen Paynter ([email protected]) and Trevor Laurence ([email protected]).
Trevor Laurence, Cateclesia Institute, Presiding (5 min)
Gary Schnittjer, Cairn University
Bequeathing Wrath: Exegetical Use of Scripture in Exodus 34 (20 min)
Russell L. Meek, William Tennent School of Theology
Meaning Making at Baal Peor: Cultural Trauma, Divine Violence, and Inner-Biblical Allusion (20 min)
Andrew C. Witt, Tyndale University
Forgiveness or Imprecation? The Use of Psalm 69 in the Passion of the Christ (20 min)
André Villeneuve, Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Between Godly Unity and Devilish Utopia: Apocalypse Now! with Lewis, Huxley, Orwell, and Soloviev (20 min)
Discussion (35 min)
3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Room: Virtual/Online
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