The Book of the Twelve Prophets in Biblical Scholarship

In 2025, we will continue to explore the theme of “Change and the Book of the Twelve” in an open session; paper proposals are warmly encouraged. Prophets spoke and wrote with the purpose of eliciting responses from their audiences. This makes change one of the pivotal features of the prophetic phenomenon. Our research group is exploring this phenomenon as it pertains to the Book of the Twelve. A wide variety of questions might be considered: What kinds of change does the Twelve envision? What trajectories of change are traced in the Book of the Twelve? How is change engendered, and what role did prophets have in this? Who is targeted for change, and why? What are the political, social, economic, theological, and psychological dimensions of change? How do “characters” within the Twelve change? How does the concept of change inform an understanding of God? How does it inform the depiction of the past and frame the depiction of the future? Please send paper proposals, as well as any questions, to Beth M. Stovell ([email protected]), George Athas ([email protected]), and Daniel Timmer ([email protected]). Proposals should be submitted no later than February 28, 2025.
2025 Schedule Forthcoming