Early Historical Books (Joshua–Kings)
Fri Nov 22
9:00-11:00 AM
Indigo 204B (Second Level) - Hilton Bayfront
The “Early Historical Books (Joshua-Kings)” Research Group is focused on the Old Testament historical books that are set in the pre-exilic period, including the so-called deuteronomistic history as well as the book of Ruth. Emphasis is placed on historical-cultural and literary-theological approaches to interpretation. We are currently in the middle of a three-year program on the theology of the land in these books, and we are looking at this theme under the headings of “Land Gained,” “Land Retained,” and “Land Lost.” Our hope is to demonstrate that each of these categories can be found across this corpus, and thus to broaden the awareness of the land theme.
Jillian Ross, Liberty University, Presiding (5 min)
Hélène M. Dallaire, Denver Seminary
Mothers, Daughters, and Prostitutes in Joshua at Home in the Land (20 min)
Tag(s): Former Prophets -Joshua (Biblical Literature - Hebrew Bible/Old Testament/Greek OT (Septuagint))
Kit Barker, Sydney Missionary and Bible College
Finding Phinehas: The Rhetorical Function of Dischronology in Judges 19–21 (20 min)
Tag(s): Former Prophets - Judges (Biblical Literature - Hebrew Bible/Old Testament/Greek OT (Septuagint)), Literary Criticism (incl. poetics, new criticism, formalism, close reading, narratology) (Interpretive Approaches), Rhetorical Criticism (Interpretive Approaches)
Alison K. Hawanchak, Southern Nazarene University
Earthly Agents of the Divine: Exploring the Function of Land as a Character in the Elijah/Elisha Cycle (20 min)
Tag(s): Former Prophets - 1-2 Kings (Biblical Literature - Hebrew Bible/Old Testament/Greek OT (Septuagint))
Richard S. Hess, Denver Seminary
2 Kings 18:14–16: Judah Retains Its Land in the Midst of the Assyrian Threat (20 min)
Tag(s): Former Prophets - 1-2 Kings (Biblical Literature - Hebrew Bible/Old Testament/Greek OT (Septuagint)), Ancient Near East - Neo-Assyria (History & Culture)
Victoria K. Tatko, Trinity College Bristol
Retaining the Land and the Right to Superintend Covenantal Commitments: Yhwh and Sennacherib in Direct Competition in Kings’ Text-World (2 Kings 18:13–19:37) (20 min)
Tag(s): Former Prophets - 1-2 Kings (Biblical Literature - Hebrew Bible/Old Testament/Greek OT (Septuagint)), Literary Criticism (incl. poetics, new criticism, formalism, close reading, narratology) (Interpretive Approaches), Treaties (Ancient Near Eastern Literature - Genre)
Discussion (15 min)
3:30 to 5:30 pm
Salon K
The “Early Historical Books (Joshua-Kings)” Research Group is focused on the Old Testament historical books that are set in the pre-exilic period, including the so-called Deuteronomistic history as well as the book of Ruth. Emphasis is placed on historical-cultural and literary-theological approaches to interpretation. With the 2023 annual meeting, we are beginning a three-year program on the theology of the land in these books. Over the three years we intend to look at the theme under the headings of “Land Gained,” “Land Retained” and “Land Lost.” Our hope is to demonstrate that each of these categories can be found across this corpus, and thus to broaden the awareness of the land theme. For 2023, we have an open call for papers on the first heading, “Land Gained.” For more information contact Ralph Hawkins ([email protected]), Ken Way ([email protected]), David Firth ([email protected]), or Jillian Ross ([email protected]).
David Schreiner, Wesley Biblical Seminary, Presiding (5 min)
Allen Hamlin, Jr., Trinity College Bristol
Profile of a Divine Agent: Joshua’s Commissioning for the Land Gain Campaign (20 min)
John F. Klem, College of Arts and Sciences, Regent University
The Contribution of Flight and Chase to the Conquest Narrative: A Genre Study (20 min)
Lissa M. Wray Beal, Wycliffe College, Toronto School of Theology
Contested Land: Considering the Transjordanian Inheritance in the Book of Joshua (20 min)
Cheryl Eaton, Trinity College, Bristol, UK
Faithfulness in the Land Gained: An Intertextual Analysis of Josh 24 (20 min)
Alison K. Hawanchak, Southern Nazarene University
Literary Characterization of the Land: The Land as an Agent of the Divine in Joshua/Judges (20 min)
Discussion (15 min)
Early Historical Books (Joshua-Kings)
3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Governor's Square 17 (Plaza Tower - Concourse Level) - Sheraton Downtown (SD)
The “Early Historical Books (Joshua-Kings)” Research Group is focused on the Old Testament historical books that are set in the pre-exilic period, including the so-called deuteronomistic history as well as the book of Ruth. Emphasis is placed on historical-cultural and literary-theological approaches to interpretation. In keeping with our vision to facilitate research on leadership and authority in Joshua-Kings, we had an open call for papers on administrative, military, or cultic personnel/titles. For 2022, we had an open call for papers on messengers, prophets/prophecy, oracles, or divinatory devices. For more information, please contact David Firth ([email protected]), Ralph Hawkins ([email protected]), Kenneth Way ([email protected]), and Jillian Ross ([email protected])
David Firth, Trinity College - Bristol, Presiding (5 min)
Kenneth C. Way, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Divinatory Media in the Prophetic Book of Judges (20 min)
Ralph K. Hawkins, Averett University
Saul and the "Spring of the Oracular Sanctuary” (1 Samuel 28:3-25) (20 min)
Ethan C. Jones, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
A Divine Mockery: Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (1 Kgs 18:27-28) (20 min)
Richard S. Hess, Denver Seminary
The Role of Elisha in 2 Kings (20 min)
Rick Wadholm Jr., Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
Songs of the Spirit: The Prophetic Melody of the Former Prophets (20 min)
Discussion (15 min)
3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Room: Salon A - Marriott Rivercenter
David Firth, Trinity College Bristol, Presiding (5 min)
Jillian L. Ross, Liberty University
Cultic Rites and Doing Right: A Contextual Critical Critique of the Deliverer Judges (20 min)
Matthew Bach, Trinity College Bristol/Aberdeen University
But can he fight? Re-approaching Saul’s Characterization as Royal Warrior (20 min)
Zachary J. Schoening, Fuller Theological Seminary
Saul’s Ultimate Failure: The True Tragedy of 1 Samuel 28 (20 min)
Nathan Chambers, Wiser Lake Chapel
Cultic Personnel in the Characterization of Saul and David (20 min)
David B. Schreiner, Wesley Biblical Seminary
Breaking the Siege: Examining the נַעֲרֵי שָׂרֵי הַמְּדִינוֹת in 1 Kgs 20 (20 min)
Discussion (15 min)
In keeping with our vision to facilitate research on leadership and authority in Joshua–Kings, we had an open call for papers this year on theocracy, kingship, or monarchy.
- Kenneth C. Way, Talbot School of Theology (Biola University), Presiding (5 min)
- Brandon M. Hurlbert, Durham University
Judge, King, or Priest? Rethinking the Argument for Kingship in Judges 17–21 (20 min) - David Firth, Trinity College Bristol
Critical Views of Wisdom in Samuel’s Revolt Narratives (20 min) - Charlie Trimm, Talbot School of Theology (Biola University)
Imperialism and the Israelite Kingship: The Narrator’s Critique of David’s Behavior as King in His International Wars (20 min) - David B. Schreiner, Wesley Biblical Seminary
Between Contrastive and Macro-causal Tendencies: Comparative Historiography in Kings (20 min) - J. Michael Thigpen, Phoenix Seminary
Repentance and the Monarchy: Divine Motive, Forgiveness, and the Mitigation of Punishment in Kings (20 min) - Discussion (15 min)
This group is meeting online December 7, 10am–12pm.
- Ralph Hawkins, Averett University, Welcome (1 min)
- Nathan Chambers, Wiser Lake Chapel
The Hermeneutics of Joshua (21 min) - Daniel E. Kim, Talbot School of Theology (Biola University)
The Crime of Gibeah: A Reassessment through the Lens of Deuteronomy (21 min)
- Discussion (7 min)
- Benjamin Johnson, LeTourneau University
From Tower to Temple: An Intertextual Reading of Genesis 11–12, 2 Samuel 7, and 1 Kings 8 (21 min) - Nathan Lovell, George Whitefield College
“A King Who Turned to Yahweh With All His Heart”: The Role of Deuteronomy in the Narrative Construction of Royal Ideology in the Book of Kings (21 min) - Gary E. Schnittjer, Cairn University
Legal Blend and Intermarriage in 1 Kings 11:1–4 (21 min) - Discussion (7 min)
- Kenneth Way, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, Presiding
- Kenneth Way, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, Welcome (1 min)
- Ralph Hawkins, Averett University
The Early Israelite Settlement through the Lens of the Early Historical Books: A Precis (25 min)
Discussion (3 min) - Lissa Wray Beal, Providence Theological Seminary
The Early Israelite Settlement through the Lens of Joshua (25 min)
Discussion (3 min) - Robert D. Miller, Catholic University of America
The Early Israelite Settlement through the Lens of Judges (25 min)
Discussion (3 min) - Daniel Block, Wheaton College
The Early Israelite Settlement through the Lens of Ruth (25 min)
Discussion (3 min) - General Discussion Discussion (7 min)
Kenneth Way, Biola University, Presiding
Ralph Hawkins, Averett University, Welcome (5 min) -
Jillian L. Ross, Liberty University
The Ring Composition of Judges Revisited: Allusive Texts in the Book of Judges (20 min) -
Eric Barrios, Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion
Danites: Descendants of Israel or Greece? (20 min) -
Ryan J. Cook, Moody Theological Seminary, Chicago
Pious Eli? The Characterization of Eli in 1 Samuel 3:18 (20 min) -
David B. Schreiner, Wesley Biblical Seminary
“Now Rehoboam son of Solomon reigned in Judah”: Pondering the Semantic and Structural Significance of 1 Kings 14:21 (20 min) -
Kyle R. Greenwood, Colorado Christian University
Anonymous Biblical Kings in Light of the Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (20 min) -
Discussion (15 min)
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