2025 Schedule Forthcoming
3:30 to 5:30 pm
Conference Room 2
The Isaiah group will continue its focus on the theology of Isaiah. Whereas in 2022 we explored Isaiah's anthropology, in 2023 we will consider Isaiah's doctrine of God. We welcome paper proposals on specific passages or themes in Isaiah that explore Isaiah's portrayal of God. Papers on exegesis, reception history, or theological interpretation are welcome. For more information, contact Andrew Abernethy ([email protected]) and Wilson de Angelo Cunha ([email protected]).
Wilson de Angelo Cunha, Calvin Theological Seminary, Presiding
Andrew Abernethy, Wheaton College, Presiding
Jaap Dekker, Theologische Universiteit Kampen|Utrecht
God and Israel’s Hardening: Moral and Theological Reflections in Response to Isaiah 6 (25 min)
Discussion (5 min)
J. Michael Thigpen, Phoenix Seminary
“For My Own Sake I Do It”: Divine Self-Disclosure in the Motive Statements of Isaiah (25 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Patrick Mentzer, Wycliffe College/University of Toronto
“The LORD of Hosts Is His Name": The Use of a Divine Epithet in the Book of Isaiah and Its Contribution to the Book’s Message (25 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Julie Dykes, McMaster Divinity College
The Importance of Divine Mother Imagery in Isaiah’s Theology of God (25 min)
Discussion (5 min)
3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Plaza Court 2 (Plaza Tower - Concourse Level) - Sheraton Downtown (SD)
In 2022, the Isaiah group will start a new three-year cycle dealing with Isaiah and Its Theology. For the first theme in 2022, we will address Isaiah’s anthropology. For more information, please contact Wilson de Angelo Cunha ([email protected]) or Andrew Abernethy ([email protected]).
Andrew Abernethy, Wheaton College (Illinois), Introduction (5 min)
Wilson de Angelo Cunha, Calvin Theological Seminary, Introduction
John Oswalt, Asbury Theological Seminary
Trust in Isaiah: The Foundation of Relationship (20 min)
Julie Dykes, McMaster Divinity College
When the Clay Talks Back: What the Potter/Clay Metaphor in Isaiah 40-66 Reveals about Humanity's Relationship to God (20 min)
Megan Roberts, Prairie Bible College
Human Memory in Isaiah 40-55: Its Power, Problems, and Potential (20 min)
Andrew Myers, Westminster Theological Seminary
Receiving Prophecy, Perceiving Wisdom: Moral Formation in Isaiah and Jeremiah (20 min)
Wilson de Angelo Cunha, Calvin Theological Seminary
"Stop trusting in humans": The Programmatic Function of Isa 2:22 in the Book of Isaiah (20 min)
Discussion (15 min)
3:30 PM to 5:30 PM (CT)
Room: Virtual/Online
Wilson de Angelo Cunha, LeTourneau University
Andrew Abernethy, Wheaton College
Kristin Joachimsen, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society
Sabbath and Temple as Identity Markers in Isaiah 56 and Nehemiah 13
Aubrey Buster, Wheaton College
Remembering the Spirit in the Wilderness: Nehemiah 9 and Isaiah 63:15-64
Todd Hibbard, University of Detroit Mercy
The Meaning of Israel’s History in Psalm 106 and Isaiah 63:7-64:11: An Intertextual Exploration of YHWH’s Salvation of Israel in the Past and Future
Torsten Uhlig, Evangelischen Hochschule TABOR, Marburg
Isaiah and the YHWH-Kingship Psalms
[ibr_research_group year="2020"]
This year, the group is exploring intertextual links between Isaiah and the Torah with a focus on Isaiah and Numbers/Deuteronomy.
- Andrew Abernethy, Wheaton College (Illinois), Introduction
Wilson de Angelo Cunha, LeTourneau University, Introduction (5 min)
- Christopher Seitz, Wycliffe College in the University of Toronto
Where Does Intertextuality Fit? (20 min)
- Richard Schultz, Wheaton College (Illinois)
Building on the Beginnings: Isaiah’s Diverse Use of Genesis (20 min)
- Seulgi Byun, Grove City College
Exodus and Covenant in Second Isaiah: Reconsidering the Role of the Mosaic Covenant (20 min)
- Mark Brett, Whitley College
Reading the Holiness Material alongside Isaiah in the Persian Period (20 min)
- Ntozakhe Cezula, Stellenbosch University
אלהי נכר (Foreign Gods) as an Organising Theological Concept for Ancient Israel: Tapping Deuteronomy & Isaiah for Theological Insights for Community Reconstruction (20 min)
- Discussion (15 min)