Linguistics and the Biblical Text

  Sponsors: Elizabeth Robar

The Linguistics and the Biblical Text group will not be meeting in 2025.

Fri Nov 22
1:00 - 3:00 PM
Indigo E (Second Level) - Hilton Bayfront

Our theme for 2024 is Linguistics and Wisdom Literature, with the same purpose of exploring the value and implications of analyzing the text and language from different linguistic theories.

Elizabeth Robar, Presiding

Yan Ma, Tyndale University
Listen to the Wisdom of God: A Rhetorical-Relational Analysis of Prov 8:4–36 (25 min)

Discussion (5 min)

Gregory Lamb, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Does YHWH "Weigh" or "Lead" the Hearts? Maat and Translational Deviation between the MT- and LXX-Proverbs (25 min)

Discussion (5 min)

Jonathan Hunter, University of St. Andrews
Does Where Matter for Why? Probing the Pragmatics of the Word Order of Reason Phrases as Cola and Intonation Units (25 min)

Discussion (5 min)

Matthew Montgomery, Trinity College Bristol
The Wisdom-Oriented Message of Psalm 73: Meaning Making and the Linguistic Phenomena of Inner-biblical Allusion and Intertextuality (25 min) 

Discussion (5 min)