2025 Schedule Forthcoming
Sat Nov 23
9:00 - 11:30 AM
Indigo 202A (Second Level) - Hilton Bayfront
Place, Placemaking, and the University
The Scripture and the University Seminar begins a three-year study of Scripture as place in the 21st century university. The very concepts of place and placemaking have experienced something of a popular-level resurgence during the first quarter of the 21st century; however, the scholarly conversation surrounding the idea has a long and rich history. Scholars from a variety of specialties have considered the idea of "place" and the importance of placemaking to the human experience. While many of those discussions have focused on the physical, others have broadened the field to consider the more nebulous, including the emotional, relational, and spiritual. This long-term study aims to develop an appropriate inter-disciplinary lexicon that presses into the development of “Scripture Producing Place” in a university setting where Christians and the spiritually-interested can find a home. The 2024 meeting aims to begin the conversation, with theologians, philosophers, and biblical scholars providing unique insights. The questions arising from the 2024 seminar will then be used to focus the meetings for the following two years (2025, 2026).
Jonathan Arnold, Chair of Scripture and University Seminar, Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Theological Studies, Cedarville University (5 min)
Opening Liturgy
William Olhausen, Trustee/KLC, Presiding (5 min)
David Larsen (PhD, St Mary’s University, Twickenham), Director of The Scripture Collective, The Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology in Cambridge
Futurespace and the University (20 min)
Cindy Parker (PhD, University of Gloucestershire), Director of Education and Conversation, Resurrection Philadelphia
Belonging Together: The Communal and Individual Responsibility for Place (20 min)
Dru Johnson (PhD, University of St Andrews), Visiting Professor of Religion, Hope College; Director of The Center for Hebraic Thought
The Audible Word as a Place: Recovering the Natural Habitat of Scripture (20 min)
Break (10 min)
Trevor Yoakum (PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary), Professor of Theology at ESBTAO Seminary Lome, Togo; Theological Education Consultant with International Mission Board
Theodramatic Critical Realism: A Canonical-Linguistic Philosophy of Science (20 min)
Jonathan Arnold, Chair of Scripture and University Seminar (45 min)
Closing Liturgy
William Olhausen, Trustee/KLC, Presiding (5 min)
9:00 to 11:30 am
Salon K
A Critical Engagement with Christopher Watkin’s work Biblical Critical Theory
This year’s seminar will be a culmination of a year-long study of Christopher Watkins’s new work, Biblical Critical Theory. Through a series of invited analyses and an in-person response from Dr. Watkins, the seminar will focus on distilling a proper understanding of Watkins’s arguments and in assisting the university-based academic in making appropriate applications to the academic educational endeavor. For more information, contact Jonathan Arnold ([email protected]) or visit the KLC website (http://kirbylaingcentre.co.uk).
Jonathan Arnold, Cedarville University, Welcome (5 min)
Opening Liturgy
Susan Bubbers, The Center for Anglican Theology, Presiding (5 min)
Michael Wagenman, Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology
Retrieving and Renewing Biblical Criticality: A Modest Proposal in the Shadow of Empire (25 min)
Matt Albanese, Union University
Biblical Critical Theory in the University of the Future: Scripture as a Constructive Text (25 min)
Break (10 min)
Christopher Watkin, Monash University-Victoria Australia, Respondent (25 min)
Discussion (25 min)
Closing Liturgy
Susan Bubbers, The Center for Anglican Theology, Presiding (5 min)
Scripture and the University Seminar
9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Plaza Court 1 (Plaza Tower - Concourse Level) - Sheraton Downtown (SD)
The university has been traditionally committed to the reality and acquisition and passing on of knowledge and wisdom, and given that Scripture is likewise committed to the twin realities of knowledge and wisdom, the study of the relationship of Scripture and the university is fitting and holds great promise. The Scripture and the University Seminar looks forward to its November 2022 meeting, which will consist of invited papers devoted to the exploration of “The Bible and the University Disciplines.” For those interested in learning more, please contact Brad Green ([email protected]).
Welcome & Worship (15 min)
Jonathan Arnold, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Presiding
David Beldman, Redeemer University
Cultivating the Biblical Mind: The Bible and Scholarship (35 min)
Eric L. Johnson, Houston Baptist University
Abraham Kuyper and the Two Academies (35 min)
Break (10 min)
Ken Keathley, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Scripture and Epistemological Virtue (35 min)
Discussion (20 min)
Jonathan Arnold, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Presiding