Membership FAQs

What is IBR and who should apply?

The Institute for Biblical Research (IBR) is an organization of evangelical Christian scholars with specialties in Old and New Testament and in ancillary disciplines. Its vision is to foster excellence in the pursuit of Biblical Studies within a faith environment.

What are the categories of membership and what do they mean?

There are currently five categories of membership:

    1. Fellows: Scholars with a PhD or ThD in an Old or New Testament specialty, or in an ancillary non-theological discipline (e.g., Near Eastern studies, intertestamental studies).
    2. Senior Fellows: Scholars accepted into membership as Fellows, who subsequently choose to become Senior Fellows (voting, participating members without eligibility to serve as officers or directors).
    3. Associates: PhD or ThD candidates in an Old or New Testament specialty.
    4. Friends: Those other than biblical scholars (e.g., philanthropists, publishers, those in wider theological disciplines) concerned to promote the purposes of IBR.
    5. Student Members: Master’s-level students in an academic field of biblical study. Membership is annually renewable. Student Members may participate in meetings but do not have voting rights.

What is the ‘confessional basis’ and do we have to sign it?

The IBR confessional basis is a six-point statement of our beliefs. A prospective member’s signature on the application form indicates “agreement with the purpose and orientation of the Institute for Biblical Research as stated herein,” which includes personal agreement with the confessional affirmations of the IBR.

Who starts the membership process?

The membership candidate starts the membership process by completing the application form.

What do I need to include with my application?

You can upload an electronic (Word doc or PDF) version of your current curriculum vitae in our online application form. (Alternatively, you may submit these required documents to our mailing address.)

How many references do I need?

Candidates for Fellow need the signatures (or email endorsements) of two current IBR Fellows. Candidates for Associate, Friend, or Student Member need only one. If you do not know an IBR Fellow who can serve as a reference, please contact Board member Melissa Barciela Mandala at [email protected] for help.

What will happen after I apply?

Completed applications are processed by the IBR’s Executive Assistant, which includes verifying electronic endorsements, if necessary. All pending, completed applications are submitted in a batch to the board for consideration at their next scheduled meeting. (Meetings are typically held every 8 weeks.) Following acceptance, new members will receive an email with instructions on how to log in and pay their annual dues to activate their membership. To inquire about the status of your pending application, please contact Mark Cannon at [email protected].

How do I change my membership category?

To change from Associate to Fellow: Please submit verification of your doctoral degree by sending a copy of your diploma or transcript with your graduation date and degree, the title of your dissertation and the name of an active IBR Fellow to serve as your second sponsor and a written request to IBR administrator, Mark Cannon ([email protected]), requesting the change in status. The Board will vote at its next meeting and you will be notified of the result by email.

To change from Student to Associate: Please submit a written request to IBR administrator, Mark Cannon ([email protected]), for a change from Student to Associate. Include a copy of the letter of acceptance from your doctoral program and state your area of focus within biblical research. The Board will vote at its next meeting and you will be notified of the result by email.

To become a Friend: Submit your request to become a Friend to IBR administrator, Mark Cannon ([email protected]). The Board will vote at its next meeting and you will be notified of the result by email.

When and how do I pay my IBR fees?

IBR dues are paid securely online through our website. You will pay your fee after acceptance.

What do I do if my membership has lapsed?

If your membership lapsed less than two years ago, you need only to pay your dues for the current year. If your membership has lapsed for two years or more, current IBR policy requires you to reapply for membership.

What do I do if I have forgotten my username and/or password?

You can click the Forgot Password? link on the Log in page. If these are not successful, please contact the IBR’s Executive Assistant, Mark Cannon, at [email protected].